Calen's Captive Page 10
Then that fucking asshole McLachlan had shown up and demanded her as payment. And that shit Peter had let him take her. That moron, who his father admired so much for his brains, had agreed. After she’d seen him and Viktor in the woods with the body, that should have been impossible. But he’d always known Peter had it out for him. It wasn’t enough that he was his father’s right arm. No, Peter wanted to humiliate him, to make him live with the uncertainty of knowing there was a witness out there who could lock him away for the rest of his life.
For now, dealing with Peter would have to wait. He was already in trouble with his father for killing that ublyudok Oleg in the first place. But that little shit Oleg had talked back to him, and Timur had to show everyone that no one disrespected him. He was a Komarov. Oleg had just been some whore’s son. Completely unimportant.
But his father didn’t see it that way. That was why he’d been saddled with Viktor, his fucking minder. He’d told his father he didn’t need a babysitter, but his protests had been ignored. Now he couldn’t go anywhere without that hulking beast shadowing him. Except for today. He’d outsmarted him today.
Viktor had no idea he’d gone to the Harvard campus today to look for the girl. Even with Peter whispering poison in his father’s ear, Timur still had loyal followers among his family’s men. They’d been watching for him.
That fucking Mic had kept the girl close to him. Much closer than he’d expected. He’d thought McLachlan would keep the girl for a few days, tops. Maybe clean her up and send her on her way. He knew the guys reputation.
Calen McLachlan stayed out of the action, ran a lot of nightclubs. Was supposedly clean. Taking the girl had been a momentary impulse, a chance to be a hero. Timur knew he would lose interest. Then the girl would be up for grabs.
He knew her name and where she worked. His guys had even found out where she lived. It was only a matter of time before he would be able to pick her up again. Only McLachlan had moved her out of her shabby little apartment. At first, he’d thought he’d set her up somewhere new, but they couldn’t find out where.
Until today.
Word had come early that the girl had shown up at her work. So he’d had Viktor take him out to one of his regular girls in the afternoon and then, after warning the whore to keep her mouth shut, he’d gone out the window. A cab ride later, and he’d been waiting inside one of the school’s public buildings. One that had a view of the entrance to the building where the girl worked.
Snatching her in broad daylight wasn’t his plan. He was too smart for that. No, he was only doing recon today. It had been so fucking boring. But his patience had been rewarded. Near six o’clock, the girl had left the building out the front door.
And she hadn’t been alone. A bodyguard, a fucker as big as Viktor, had been with her. He’d walked her to an expensive town car, where another bodyguard had opened the door after stopping to talk to someone in the backseat. That was when he knew. McLachlan was there, in the car, waiting for her.
He’d been right about one thing. McLachlan had cleaned her up. New clothes and fine leather boots. With her hair and those eyes, she looked like a million bucks. A very high-priced whore.
Timur left the stall and ran his hand under the sink. Blood turned pick as it ran down the drain. He had to make himself presentable. His father was waiting, and no one kept the head of the family waiting.
He ran a hand through his hair and snorted. The fucking Mic hadn’t lied. He was going to keep her. It should have never happened. The fact the bitch was walking around was an insult to him—an insult to his family. He was going to have to do something about that.
Chapter 15
Friday morning, Maia woke up in a panic. A huge weight was holding her down. She twisted slightly and realized the weight was Calen. His huge muscled upper body was partially wrapped around her and partly on top of her. And he was crushing her.
Suppressing her sigh, Maia looked up at the ceiling. She wanted to laugh, but Calen had come back late the night before. He’d gone to his club and had returned well after she had gone to bed. He’d woken her for a second when he slipped into bed, but he’d soothed her gently and told her to go back to sleep. She didn’t want to wake him now, but she was starting to feel like a Cirque de Soleil contortionist as she wriggled and twisted to get out of bed. Throughout the whole thing, he stayed fast asleep.
When she was finally standing, she stopped to stare down at Calen’s sleeping form.
His sculpted torso was turned on his side. Both his abs and muscled back were visible, the sheet tangled around his waist with one foot peeking out from underneath it. Maia took a deep breath. Calen belonged on the cover of a fitness magazine. And he was apparently a sound sleeper. He hadn’t even stirred when she’d pried herself from under him.
Already dressed and ready to go, she heard a vibrating sound coming from the bed. Calen finally moved to press a button on his watch.
“Come here and kiss me goodbye, baby. I have a meeting, so I’ll be a little late for dinner,” he said in his early morning growl.
Trying not to betray her eagerness, she went over to him. He kissed her softly before dropping down and immediately falling back asleep.
Curious, she leaned over to examine the face of his watch before breaking out into a grin. Calen had set an alarm to kiss her goodbye. She went to work hugging that detail to herself.
“What are you so keyed up about?” Wesley asked Maia near quitting time.
Startled, she glanced up from her computer. She’d been staring at it for a while without actually seeing it. “Hmm. What?”
“Are you okay?” Wes asked, watching her intently. “You seem tense.”
“Oh, I’m fine,” she lied as she packed up her new computer.
Calen had told her tonight was going to be special. He didn’t need to spell it out for her. Tonight she was going to lose her virginity, and she had been trying all day not to think about it. She had failed spectacularly, vacillating between hot steamy fantasies and stomach twisting anxiety.
Maia knew she didn’t have to do it. Calen had made that clear. If she didn’t want to become intimate with him, they would figure something else out. But after he showed her his collection, that wasn’t something she was willing to consider. Calen was her chance for a real life—a complete one with companionship, sex, and possibly even children.
But not love. That would be asking for too much.
Although, if she was honest with herself, she’d never expected that from her life. Love was something that happened to other people. People who weren’t shy and introverted—girls like Tahlia and Maggie. Living without love wasn’t going to kill her. It was just something she had to accept.
With all of those thoughts roiling through her mind, it was no wonder that Wes had noticed her distraction and anxiety. Everyone probably had. She wasn’t good at hiding her emotions.
She was almost at the door when he stopped her with a hand on her shoulder. “Maia, if things are not going well with that new boyfriend, you should break up with him.”
Where had that come from? “What? No. Everything is good. It’s a big night is all. Date night,” she added with a little blush.
“Are you sure that’s all it is?” he asked, narrowing his eyes. “Because you’ve been different since you started seeing him. You wear different clothes and make-up. You get driven around in fancy cars. I think it’s changing you.”
Maia didn’t know what to make of that. What he said was true, but it wasn’t like she had a problem with those things. Or at least not a big one. Wearing the fancy clothes and makeup was still a novelty. She knew she looked different, but she loved all of her beautiful new clothes. Maybe that was shallow of her, but she had much bigger issues to worry about. Like sleeping with a man way too hot for her, or possibly being assassinated by Russians. She didn’t need to add to the list.
“Maybe it might be, but I don’t have a problem with that. Don’t get me wrong, I appr
eciate your concern, but I’m happy with Calen. So please don’t worry.”
Wesley leaned in suddenly, crowding her a little. He put his hands on her shoulders. “You’re so young and naive. I hate to see you get with some rich guy who just wants to control you.”
Self-conscious now, Maia shrugged off his hands. “He’s not like that,” she said, uncomfortably aware she was lying.
Calen probably did want to control someone. She strongly suspected he had been itching to explore that kind of a relationship for a while. And she had fallen into his lap.
“Have a good night,” Maia said hastily, ducking under his arm and rushing out to Davis and the car.
On the way home, she shook off her encounter with Wes. She might have some misgivings about getting involved with Calen, but losing herself wasn’t one of them. She might change a little, but she had lived a small and constricted life before that day in the woods. Calen was offering to show her a completely different world. Their relationship might not work out in the end, but right now she was finally living her life to the fullest. Whatever happened after, at least she would have some exciting memories to look back on.
Please let them be exciting and not terrifying.
She knew Calen would wait to become intimate if she asked. But living with him day in and day out had worn away whatever resistance she had. It had sparked a hunger inside her that was new and powerful. She wanted to touch him, be touched by him. She just hoped she didn't disappoint him.
At least he knew she was new at sex and wouldn’t hold her inexperience against her.
Pushing away her apprehension and doubt, Maia decided to change into one of the silk dresses Calen had chosen for her. She rushed inside the penthouse and into the shower. Feeling decadent, she spent a good hour getting ready—shaving, primping, powdering, and brushing everything. When she was done, she took a long look at herself in the full-length mirror in Calen’s room, admiring the effect.
Her eyes were lined with a smoky blue eyeliner, and her lips were rosy and full. The dusky blue dress she had chosen also made her eyes look like a darker blue. She was so flushed and overheated, she didn’t bother with blush. Nervously, she fiddled with her hair, piling it up on her head loosely.
When she was done, she went to the living room to start a fire and wait for Calen to get home. As time went on, she grew more anxious. Deciding a little liquid courage might help, she made her way to the bar.
The amount of alcohol present rivaled the most well-stocked bars she’d ever been in. In the last of the early evening light, the bottles took on a glow, like so many liquid jewels. Some of these bottles were probably as expensive. Calen only liked the best.
Then why am I here?
Ruthlessly pushing that thought away, she poured herself a French cognac, sipping at it cautiously. She was tempted to pour Calen a whiskey, but she didn’t know if it was like wine. Breathing was supposed to be good for wine, but whiskey? She would have to ask him later.
Calen was in a foul temper when he got home. His day had been complete hell. The manager at Siren had caught one of the bartenders stealing credit card numbers from his patrons. Some of his customers had had thousands of dollars charged to their accounts unknowingly.
He’d spent the day making phone calls and putting out potential fires with exclusive offers and comped VIP packages to visit his other clubs in New York and Vegas. On top of that, one of his suppliers had crapped out on him and he’d had to find another on short notice. He had been fighting the impulse to put his fist through the wall for the last hour, but it all faded away into nothing when he arrived home to Maia.
A delicious smell filled the air as he stepped into the penthouse. But it was nowhere near as good as seeing his nymph kneeling in front of the fire in the living room waiting for him. She heard his steps and turned around to smile at him. Suddenly, it was the best day he’d ever had.
“Stay right there,” she called to him as she rose and rushed to the bar.
His fairy was wearing one of her new dresses, a blue one. It floated around her svelte form and contrasted beautifully with her skin. Her hair was piled on her head in a loose bun, wavy tendrils escaping from it. It made him want to touch them.
She came back from the bar, extending a glass of his favorite whiskey. “I think this is the one you usually drink after work,” she said, nodding to the glass.
“It is. You’re very observant,” he said, letting his muscles loosen as he took it from her.
Maia beamed. “I chose duck à l'orange for dinner tonight. I hope you like it,” she said as he took the glass.
He stared at the whiskey before putting it down untouched. A drink was not what he needed. Instead, Calen pulled her into his arms, lifting her high against him. She squeaked slightly as his chest met hers, but he stopped the sound with his lips. Groaning aloud, he kissed her, pouring every ounce of need and passion he had into it. It seemed to go on forever, and was over way too soon.
“Thanks. I needed that, nymph,” he whispered as he released her, sliding her down his body before setting her down on her feet. Maia swayed a little, and he held her closer until she stopped and turned those big extraordinary eyes on him. She stared up at his face until he stroked her cheek. “I hope you always look at me like that when I kiss you,” he said softly.
“What?” she asked, still a little unsteady in his arms.
Calen laughed. He picked her up and hugged her till she squeaked again before he reluctantly let her go.
“Do you want to eat in the kitchen?” Maia asked, ducking her head before meeting his eyes.
She was feeling shyer than normal with him today, but that might have had something to do with the sexual tension sparking between them.
“No,” he said, cocking his head and running his eyes down her body. She wasn’t wearing any shoes, that perfect touch to his fantasy that a half-wild fey had somehow entered his apartment. “That dress deserves more than the kitchen bar. We’ll eat in the dining room.”
She helped him light candles, and he picked out an extra special bottle of red wine. Although she hadn’t had a lot of wine before she’d met him, they’d already established that Maia like soft reds and sweet white wines. He opened his best Syrah and poured generous portions into cut crystal glasses.
He proceeded to ask Maia about her day. She shared the details bashfully, as if she thought they would bore him. But she was wrong. Hearing about her day, sharing her life, made him feel good.
Despite the deliciousness of the meal, Maia could barely eat. She was so nervous and excited. Mostly nervous. She’d caught glimpses of Calen in various states of undress since she’d moved into his room. But she’d never seen him totally naked. She’d never seen any man without clothes, except on the Internet. And no one had ever seen her.
Maia didn’t know how Calen was going to react when he saw her naked. Compared to the women he was used to sleeping with, she was a skinny twig with a boy’s figure. In her anxiety, she started gulping her glass of wine, but after the second, Calen gently pried the glass from her hand and set it down resolutely.
“Thanks, baby. Dinner was perfect. I didn’t think I could get in a good mood after the day I had,” Calen said, leaning toward her to brush her hair away from her forehead.
“Hmm, I think Mrs. Portillo deserves most of the credit since she prepared the meal. I only threw it in the oven and followed her instructions. Why was your day bad?”
He told her about the problems he’d run into that day at the club. She listened sympathetically, and his shoulders eased. “It feels good to have someone to complain to,” he said philosophically as he leaned back in his chair.
“It usually makes me feel better,” Maia replied. “I know today sucked, but it must still be exciting to run your own club,” she added, searching for something to cheer him up.
“It used to be. I never thought I would get sick of sitting at my own VIP tab
le, watching people spend their money at my place. But it’s gotten boring. The problems are all the same. I don’t know. Maybe I’m getting old, but being there now, forced to listen all the latest grinding music, is actual work now.” He shrugged. “Liam wants me to open another club at the Caislean, but I can’t bring myself to agree to it. I should do it. He is my best friend, and I owe him. But opening Siren Two isn’t appealing right now.”
“Yeah, I can see that.” Maia nodded.
Calen pursed his lips and narrowed his eyes. “You didn’t have a good time at the club at all, did you?”
“Sure I did,” she protested. He gave her a knowing look, and she lowered her gaze. “Okay, it wasn’t my idea of a good time. When Tahlia mentioned going there, I think I built it up in my mind too much. I was picturing something different.”
“Different how?”
Maia shook her head ruefully. “Something old school and exclusive. Like a speakeasy. You know, softer music and a slightly dark ambiance. My mom used to dress like a flapper for Halloween, and I think I romanticized the whole prohibition-era culture,” she said.
“Yeah, there’s still a few speakeasies around as historical sites, but they’re not opening a whole lot of new ones these days.”
Maia smiled wistfully. “They should. They’re just so...I don’t know. They seem forbidden and secretive, but still fun and playful at the same time.”
“When you put it that way, I guess it’s too bad they went extinct,” Calen said with a final bite of dinner. He put down his fork and studied her closely. “Why don’t we have dessert in the living room in front of the fire?” he suggested, his pale blue eyes close to silver in the candlelight.
“Can I bring the wine?” she asked hopefully.
He shook his head. “I don’t want you drunk,” Calen said softly as he reached out to stroke her hair.